Get the benefits of breathwork every week!

Improve your well-being, connect to your inner lifeforce, and get to know your authentic self. Join me online every week for a live breathwork session.

Every Thursday Morning 8:00-9:00 ECT


Join me online every week, or just when it suits you, and feel the power of breathwork

Breathwork has multiple benefits on every level – mind, body and soul.


Breathwork can: 

Reduce stress

Improve mental clarity and focus

Calm the mind


Breathwork can:

Boost your energy

Strengthen lung capacity & respiratory health

Relieve tension


Breathwork can: 

Enhance self-awareness & spiritual connection

Give emotional release & healing

Awaken your lifeforce

WHAt will you get?

Breath of Being – connect inwards in the comfort of your own home

Each week, I'll guide you through a 1-hour breathwork session. No session will be the same, but every session is an opportunity to connect with your authentic self, and improve your overall health & well-being. 

Show up every week if you want to make a strong commitment to yourself, or join whenever it fits your schedule the best.

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Anna Avocado
Avocado Inc

My Mission

I’m Anders Lorentz, and I'm here to guide and support you to a more authentic life

I want to create a better world, where people dare to live out their authentic truth, free their inner life force, and connect through conscious presence and love. A world where we celebrate life in all aspects, where we meet each other with respect, care and love, and where every single person experiences life's full potential.

To fulfil this mission, I create and facilitate transformational experiences with energy- and breathwork, touch, conscious sexuality and inner expansion of consciousness.

These experiences are meant for you to feel pleasure, connect with your authentic self, relate authentically and live a life of vitality, love and self awareness.

Im certified Advanced SOMA BREATH facilitator and are using many of the SOMA BREATH techniques during the online sessions. Im also certified within Prana Technology by the world famous Mexican Shaman Anand Rudra. His teaching has been ground breaking for me and I want to share this ancient knowledge with you.


Transform your life with Breath of Being

I truly believe, and experience, that conscious breath can be life-changing! By breathing consciously you will not only improve your mental and physical health – you will nurture your soul, find your inner lifeforce, become your authentic self, and change the world!

Lifeforce Garden by Anders Lorentz