Breath of Being (Facebook Post)

This is your opportunity to connect with your inner lifeforce and authentic self on a regular basis – from the comfort of your home.

Conscious breath can improve physical, mental and emotional wellbein…

DKK 60 (including 25% moms)
Breathwork journey 28 dec-2

Lørdag den 28. december inviterer jeg dig til en helt særlig eftermiddag i Siala, hvor vi markerer overgangen fra 2024 til 2025 med en dyb breathwork-rejse og muligheden for at afslutte med en afslapp…

DKK 400 (including 25% moms)
CTF CIRCLE Event covers

✨ Calling in the Tribe ✨

For one powerful weekend, 60 souls will come together in deep connection, presence, and celebration. With 5 dedicated facilitators guiding the way, CTF Circle is an intimate re…

DKK 3,100 (including 25% moms)